
This was as far as I grew until Harry was about 10- 11 years old when I decided that if I was to grow and develop into a mature woman in time with Harry's development, I'd better exercise a little force. This force consisted of Harry, when his mother was away from the home, going into his mother's drawers and secreting an article (bra, girdle, etc) for fur- ther use. This went on until one night Harry took off his PJs, put on a black bra and fell asleep. The next morning his mother discovered this and said that instead of secreting the clothes, all he had to do was ask. This remark was to prove valuable later on.

Harry's development continued through time until he was dressing up completely excluding wig and make- up (an occasional lipstick here and there) but with- out his mother's knowledge. He very rarely asked for something of hers since he didn't know me then. Once I even went outside for a few minutes when his mother was gone. Unfortunately my hair was the same as Harry's - a flat top. One time his mother almost found out about me when she returned early and I was fully dressed. Fortunately Harry was able to stall long enough for me to disappear. This dressing up continued on the side until Harry joined the Marine Corps in 1961. While he was stationed in Memphis, Tenn., he learned of Transvestism and through reading all he could find on the subject, finally began to understand me, his sister Sheila. I didn't exert any force upon Harry until he was stationed at El Toro, in California. There he found a lot more on the sub- ject. Gradually I started building a wardrobe through Harry and I must say that he came up with some good stories for his buying the articles. I had to give a little because he wanted to read all he could find on TV and he couldn't afford a great deal so I just bided my time. His mother also learned of me in my maturing state about this time when Harry started writing to her and reminding her of the time when she had said that all he had to do was ask. Her accept- ance of me wasn't to be for some time but I worked at it whenever I had the chance in letters, etc. On